February 7, 2020 was a very special evening for the residents of Protected Harbor who attended the local Night to Shine event, a celebration in which each guest was crowned Prom King or Prom Queen.
“Night to Shine,” is a worldwide movement sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. It is a celebration to honor individuals, 14 years of age and older, who have intellectual or developmental disabilities. The event centers around uplifting individuals with special needs and celebrating humanity. It is about ensuring each individual feels accepted and appreciated.
Sanibel Community Church had the opportunity to serve as one of over 650 churches around the world registered to simultaneously host a “Night to Shine.” For the residents of Protected Harbor, it was an opportunity many did not get to previously enjoy their first time around in high school.
“Night to Shine” organizers have spent tireless months preparing and planning to make this magical night happen. Over 100,000 guests around the globe from over 720 churches, 50 states, and more than 30 different countries participated in the celebration and were crowned as Prom King or Prom Queen. Of course, this would not have been possible without the support of over 200,000 worldwide volunteers.
“We have decided to go out of our way to make the biggest, most special night of the year for people with special needs because they’re worth it and they’re special,” said Founder Tim Tebow. Sanibel Church reported that 124 guests registered for the event. In addition, more than 100 family members and caregivers, plus an estimated 200 volunteers, were also in attendance.
Activities began at 4:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Church. Registration, a visit to the men and women’s grooming stations, presentation of corsages and boutonnieres, a limousine ride, the Red-Carpet walk, a personal photo, karaoke, music, dancing, and dinner complemented the evening.
During the event, parents and caregivers were hosted in Fellowship Hall, where they received a meal, had time for fellowship, and engaged in activities as the event was streamed from the main sanctuary.
For more information and photos from the event, visit “Sanibel Church Night To Shine 2020” on Facebook www.timtebowfoundation.org/index.php/night-to-shine.