As we enter the season that puts smiles on even the grumpiest people’s faces, allow us to introduce you to Matthew; the young man whose beautiful smile outlasts all seasons.
What’s behind Matthew’s smile?
Maybe it’s that he enjoys living in Florida, with its perpetually warm weather; a nice change from Westchester, NY with its brutally cold winters where he was born and attended school.
Maybe it’s that he can run laps at the boatyard across the street from the house he resides in, almost every day, except for exceptionally rainy ones.
Maybe it’s that he shares the house with a wonderful group of other residents whose company he enjoys and a staff that encourages him to join them in their morning jog.
Maybe it’s that his birthday happens to be during this season!
Whatever the reasons, this is a young man who as a transplant from New York, graduated High School in Miami. Still requiring a supportive environment, Matthew has adjusted well to his new house mates and adult mentors. With their love and encouragement Matthew can look forward to many happy years at Protected Harbor.
He still clings to his original “likes”: NY at Christmas time and NY style Italian food!
He also likes music, basketball and dancing and envisions himself being a professional rap star or basketball player.
We are all looking forward to his first performance!!