Spring is in the air which means baseball spring training in Ft. Myers Jet Blue Park! The ladies of Protected Harbor were invited on February 28, 2016 to join the Boston Red Sox for a day of training. Along with the Young Life Naples youth group and Goodwill groups, the ladies were escorted by Red Sox players for batting practice in the batting cages.
It is reported by Kimber, one of our ladies home residents, that “Tiffany hit the most balls”. Tiffany agreed that she was a better hitter than Kimber and the other ladies. While Kimber and Tiffany both thought receiving autographs, hats, shirts and jerseys were the highlight, Tiffany said she just liked “hitting the ball”. Tiffany expressed that after this experience she might like to play softball which would be a great step for this special young lady.
The Boston Red Sox organization provided a wonderful lunch consisting of ham and turkey wraps, cookies, pretzel chips and of course, ice cream. They all received autographed balls and posed with players for a group picture.
A large sponsor of this program was CVS Pharmacy who generously provided each lady with a $15 gift card. The day was exciting, action packed, and a great way to socialize with other local groups while showing off their skills with the pros! (Click here to see more pictures on facebook)
Please pray that organizations like this continue to provide our ladies with these unique and enriching opportunities and to feel the love of the community!
Ephesians 5:2 “…and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”