Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Easter Letter 2017

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He has risen, He has risen indeed!
        Easter, the feast day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, is a time of rebirth and rejoicing in Jesus Christ’s victory over death.  Easter is a wonderful reminder of eternal life that is granted to all of us who believe in Him, and new life is given to each of us with our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  This hope that is found in the good news of the Gospel continues to give us faith and trust in Him to transform lives every day.
        God has blessed many families with precious children who have developmental, physical and cognitive disabilities.  These families have had faith that God would provide safety for their child, and they have trusted that God will sustain a future for their child once they are unable to provide their daily care.  As the population of adults with disabilities grows, so does the importance of the homes we provide. When parents due to age and failing health are no longer able to care for their dependent adults, Protected Harbor provides a home where they can feel like they have finally grown up and become an active, self-assured, important part of their home, their church and their local community.
        We see the work of the Gospel in the faces of the women who reside in Protected Harbor’s Women’s Home in Fort Myers, as their lives have been transformed with new independence and spiritual growth. The home is thriving with six women who are living with the comforts of home.  These women are active participants in daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, exercising, working and volunteering.  Staff is available to assist with daily needs, including financial, medical, and social, so aging family members are able to provide love and support as they are physically able.
“How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.  The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be blessed upon the earth; The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; in his illness, you restore him to health.”  Psalm 41:1-3
        This verse teaches us that God speaks His promise to those of us who serve the helpless. We rejoice that with your generous giving we have been able to sustain the Women’s Home that provides a Christian environment full of constant love, encouragement and acceptance in a safe nurturing home.  Tiffany is blossoming with her communication and community activities, while Kim is thriving in her independence.  Janie knits scarves and blankets for the church craft sale and leads worship and prayer in the church.  The women participate in weekly flute lessons, participate in monthly social gatherings and Special Olympics.  These opportunities are provided because many of you have prayed with us and have given generously to maintain the home and house parents that dedicate their lives to this ministry.
        And now, we praise Him for new birth again this Easter with the groundbreaking of Protected Harbor’s Men’s Home.  As many of you know, building start is imminent for the new home where Dennis, our longtime spokesperson, will finally make his dream a reality.   Please pray with us for the men who will fill the rooms at the Men’s home and for their families as they trust that God will provide care for their loved one.

We rejoice in the recent groundbreaking of the men’s home, made possible through God’s gifts and your generous donations as well as the two grants from Florida Housing Finance Corporation and Lee County. However, we still need approximately $200,000 to furnish and support the Men’s Home and have the reserves we need for prudent operation.  We ask that you prayerfully consider helping us open the doors to this home for the young men God has already selected.  Your donation could provide a young man with a new bedroom, assist with contributions to the common area furnishings, or provide appliances for the home.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23,24
        As we celebrate our Resurrected King, who has called us to help those in need, won’t you join our prayer team and prayerfully consider contributing to the building and furnishing of the Men’s Home so that new life can prosper for these men? We trust Him for the supply and do all things to glorify Him.
Follow Dennis’ journey as he prepares to move into his new home on our Facebook and Twitter! #DennisDreamHouse
With great thanks and appreciation,
Alyssa Hayes
Board Member
Protected Harbor

Future Home: Preparing for Groundbreaking & Construction

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Architectural drawing of the future Protected Harbor group home
Please join us in praising God for continued progress. Protected Harbor has advanced into the building permit process. We pray that the groundbreaking for the new home will take place in mid-February 2017. We are excited to welcome our first residents and grow to have four residents by the end of 2017. However, approximately $200,000 is still needed to complete the project and ensure our success in caring for our residents.
Please prayerfully consider making a contribution to fill this gap. Please keep us in your prayers as Protected Harbor moves ahead in preparation for construction. Please pray that we are successful at obtaining the necessary building permits and that God allows for a prompt groundbreaking in February.

Learning Lessons in Music

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Our Lord has given our ladies the gift of music lessons. Mr. Michael Simons, who also serves as a Sunday school flute instructor, has dedicated his time to providing flute lessons to our ladies in the name of the Lord.
For the past six months, Michael has spent an hour every Sunday afternoon teaching the ladies how to play the flute. They have developed a deep interest and commitment to practicing in preparation for their weekly flute lesson. Tiffany has especially grown a passion as all of the ladies move forward in lesson.
Please pray for Michael Simons and that he may continue to bless our ladies with the beauty of music.
“Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.”
Psalm 135:3

Christmas Celebration with Gulf Coast High School Key Club

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The ladies were blessed to begin the holiday season in the company of members from the Gulf Coast High School Key Club. Six students visited the home to share many Christmas activities. The ladies were overjoyed to decorate their 8-foot tall Christmas tree with the students in preparation for the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The ladies spent the day baking and decorating cookies with the help of the Key Club members. The students also made Christmas crafts with the ladies and were delighted to embrace the holiday spirit for His Glory.
Join us in prayer for the students of the Gulf Coast High School Key Club and that they may continue to bring light to the lives of our lovely residents.
“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”
John 5:11

First Baptist Church of Naples – My Friend Dennis

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dennisEvery Wednesday and Friday, Dennis comes knocking on the door of the FBCN Finance Department. We know his “knock” and I smile as he comes in with his shirt tucked into his pants that are riding pretty high on his belly, and his belt cinched tight. His white tennis shoes with Velcro fasteners are always crossed at just the right angle.

Dennis is 46 and I love to have him visit to bring me into his world and give me an update on things. He comes in, sits down in the same chair, puts his brush, the one he cleans with that usually has a lot of hair in it he’s swept up, and we begin to “chew the fat.” It usually goes like this every time,

Dennis: Hi! How you doin’?
Me: What’s up, buttercup, I’m good, how ‘bout you?
Dennis: We got the land for the group-home-house! But we don’t have the house. What are you going to bring me when I move into my new house?

Dennis will be a partaker of the Protected Harbor home for men with special needs once they are able to raise enough money to fund the building project. He then goes on to tell me who is going on/off the Protected Harbor board, who isn’t doing their job to get this home built, and a variety of other things that I won’t go into so as not to incriminate my friend! So continuing from our last question…..

Me: Diet coke and a candy bar. Do you want cookies or a balloon?
Dennis: No, just a diet coke and a candy bar.
Dennis: How’s Bella (my dog), where’s Carleton (my husband), and where’s Caroline (my daughter who is grown now and lives in Nashville whom Dennis knew).
Me: Bella is sleeping on my bed, Carleton’s at work, and Caroline BETTER be at work!
Dennis: Are you coming tonight? (Dennis goes to Wednesday night activities and the dinner).
Me: Yes, I’m coming tonight.
Dennis: What are you going to wear?
Me: What do you think I should wear?

And on we converse for about 10 minutes about Joe and his bowling score, and how Joe always brings a drink into the bowling alley and Dennis always tells him to take it out of there. We talk about FBA football and if they will win or lose the game, even if they aren’t playing this week. He always says, “Do you want me to talk to Billy about it?” We talk about the election and Dennis wants to make sure I’m not going to vote for Hillary.

Dennis brings hope into my office. He is my reminder that God sees our crazy world and how much fretting goes on about it. So He sends Dennis to remind me-it’s not about me or how bad things look, or what’s to come of our country, my family, or my life. He is always smiling, always has a friendly word, always takes care to visit each and every one of us, even if he just says Hi. If we have to get back to work, he understands, because he should be getting back to work too! But we don’t really care how much work he does. He’s had a job at FBCN for many years but his real job is letting God shower His kindness on us through Dennis. His needs are simple; he is not stressed about his life or his job. He isn’t wondering what will become of him when his parents get older. He trusts that someone is always looking out for him. He loves a good laugh, and is endlessly looking for something to satisfy his sweet tooth. Dennis is God’s gift to me as a reminder that He is in charge and I’m not to worry about my life because Dennis doesn’t. End of story.

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Lucky Strike at the Special Olympics

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“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”,  is the Special Olympics athlete’s oath that was quoted by our ladies before the start of their Special Olympic Bowling Games on Saturday, September 17th.
The Special Olympics oath originated with Eunice Kennedy Shriver jotting down these words on the morning of July 20, 1968 — just ahead of the opening of the very first Special Olympics International Games. She recited them at a brief Opening Ceremony at Chicago’s Soldier Field before the start of competition.
The ladies were blessed to spend the day having a fabulous time and all received ribbons which they proudly showed to friends and family. Please pray for God’s continued blessings on our Protected Harbor home.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:13 

It is not too late to RSVP to Protected Harbor’s Annual Prayer Breakfast!

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Wonderful Time at the Wizard of Oz

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The ladies of our blessed home spent the evening of Saturday, July 16th attending the theatrical production of the Wizard of Oz at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater in Fort Myers.
The enchanting tale of Dorothy, Toto, and their new friends on the yellow brick road was complemented by a delicious dinner. The ladies had the opportunity to choose between multiple delicious entrees of beef stroganoff, fried chicken, and baked fish.
They loved dressing up for a night at the theater enjoying themselves and singing along to the classic musical, they are very excited to for their next outing to the Broadway Palms Dinner Theater.
“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1

November 4 – Prayer Breakfast

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Protected Harbor invites you to our Sixth Annual Prayer Breakfast celebrating six years of blessings since the opening of the Fort Myers ladies’ home. This event will be a special time to rejoice in God’s Spirit that Protected Harbor relays in the form of loving care for the ladies served.

guests2The event will take place on Friday, November 4, 2016 at the The Vineyards Country Club in Naples from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The cost of this event is $30 per person or $240 per table of eight.

Our featured speaker will be Harry Mihet, Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel for the Liberty Counsel. Harry will join us as our featured speaker once again to bring his passion and expertise on current legal issues in Southwest Florida as well as our country that are relevant to Protected Harbor’s values.

Please pray for God’s wisdom for Harry as he carries His message in discussing the current events in our society and the relevant importance of Protected Harbor’s work of empowering life through nurturing care. Also pray for God’s blessing on this joyous breakfast to enlist donors as well as additional prayer partners.

If you wish to attend, please call Patricia Milford Schubring at (239) 597-4514 to make your reservations.

“Then you and your household will eat in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice with all the works of your hand with which he blessed you.”
Deuteronomy 12:7

Praise for Progress on the New Protected Harbor Home

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Site of the future Protected Harbor group home
Thanks to your prayers and continued support we continue to be blessed with good news! Protected Harbor has been invited into credit underwriting which is the next step in the Florida Housing grant process.
While this grant will greatly help close the gap of funding needed for the second Protected Harbor home, your support is still critical.  Please prayerfully consider how you may help us raise the funds needed to build the second home. The need for homes for adults with developmental disabilities is increasing as their parents age. With your help, we can continue to meet this need.
Please keep Protected Harbor in your prayers while we continue with the credit underwriting process for the grant. This grant will help fund the much needed second Protected Harbor Home to prayerfully serve individuals with developmental disabilities in Southwest Florida.

1 Corinthians 3:9 “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.”