Protected Harbor invites you to our Sixth Annual Prayer Breakfast celebrating six years of blessings since the opening of the Fort Myers ladies’ home. This event will be a special time to rejoice in God’s Spirit that Protected Harbor relays in the form of loving care for the ladies served.
The event will take place on Friday, November 4, 2016 at the The Vineyards Country Club in Naples from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The cost of this event is $30 per person or $240 per table of eight.
Our featured speaker will be Harry Mihet, Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel for the Liberty Counsel. Harry will join us as our featured speaker once again to bring his passion and expertise on current legal issues in Southwest Florida as well as our country that are relevant to Protected Harbor’s values.
Please pray for God’s wisdom for Harry as he carries His message in discussing the current events in our society and the relevant importance of Protected Harbor’s work of empowering life through nurturing care. Also pray for God’s blessing on this joyous breakfast to enlist donors as well as additional prayer partners.
If you wish to attend, please call Patricia Milford Schubring at (239) 597-4514 to make your reservations.
“Then you and your household will eat in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice with all the works of your hand with which he blessed you.”
Deuteronomy 12:7