Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Cookout With the Key Club

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Painting picture frames with the wonderful Gulf Coast High School Key Club
Saturday, May 21st brought the wonderful Gulf Coast High School Key Club once again for an afternoon of fun.  For many of the members it was their last visit because they are seniors. Two such departing seniors are President Edtan and Vice-President Riley who have each forged a strong bond with our ladies over their four years of coming to Protected Harbor. Their presence will definitely be missed!!
On this day, the entire group enjoyed a hot dog cookout, complete with cookie cake. They also enjoyed painting picture frames with the Protected Harbor residents. We are looking forward to the next visit from the Key Club of Gulf Coast High School and welcoming next year’s incoming members in the fall.
“We have all received one gracious blessing after another.” John 1:16 NLT

Praise For the Ladies Social Events

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On April 16, 2016, The Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled hosted their monthly social event at Glades Country Club in Naples.  The event had a focus on heritage.  For heritage night, the ladies of Protected Harbor dressed up in clothing that represented their heritage and brought out their individual qualities.  Kimber is Korean and takes great pride in art, reading and clothing from her heritage.  She dressed in her finest Kimono and expressed herself with makeup.  Kim is Irish and very proud of her heritage as well.  She chose to wear green and white to represent her heritage.  Cleo chose to dress in a 50’s outfit, poodle skirt and all.  This was her way of expressing herself through clothing that is meaningful to her, and she had fun dressing up.  Tiffany, who typically wears pants and a t-shirt, wore a fancy dress ready for a night of entertainment.
As always, these events include dinner and dancing.  Music is provided by a DJ and there is never a shortage of dancers on the dance floor.  Our ladies love to dance and can count on tearing up the floor with their moves.  This event is always a great opportunity for socializing with their peers which is often difficult for men and women with disabilities.  We are so grateful that the ladies have this have a special night out for fellowship and fun.
Our ladies are blessed children of God.  Please pray that they continue to feel the love and support of the community as they grow in their faith.
Psalm 41:1-3 “How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.  The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be blessed upon the earth; The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed;in his illness, You restore him to health.”

Please Pray for the Continued Progress of the New Protected Harbor Home

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Architectural Rendering of the New Home
We are grateful for your prayers and continued support, which helped us successfully complete the zoning requirements for the men’s home. We have requested a waiver from Florida Housing Finance Corporation for the zoning compliance certification. We eagerly await a decision from the Corporation’s Board of Directors at their May 6th meeting to grant us this waiver and to be formally invited into credit underwriting.
Please keep Protected Harbor in your heart and hold us in your prayers on May 6th.  Your continued prayers are needed that this waiver be approved so that we make further progress to enter into credit underwriting.
Protected Harbor is continuing to gather documents in preparation for credit underwriting, the final phase of the grant process.  We look forward to completing this progress so that we can build this much needed second Protected Harbor Home to prayerfully serve individuals with developmental disabilities in Southwest Florida.
While this grant will provide much needed funding for the new home, our work in fundraising is not done, We still need additional funds to complete the project. Please hold us in your prayers as we continue to raise the rest of the funds needed for the construction, furniture and fixtures of the new home.
Thank you to all of you who have prayed with us regarding this home throughout this past year. Please continue to pray that God would grant us favor with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as we move this process forward.
2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Get to Know Kimber

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In the midst of the happy commotion in the kitchen of the ladies Protected Harbor home, Kimber, a resident, gets ready to join the group in decorating cupcakes.  There are several types of frosting and sprinkles set out on the kitchen island to spread on the vanilla and white cupcakes.  Seeing that this could be an issue with 8 people reaching for the frosting at the same time, Kimber scoops out some of the frosting from the jar on to her paper plate which she can use to decorate all of her cupcakes.  “I used do crafts with elementary age children,” explains Kimber. She knows from experience how to make projects run more smoothly.

Kimber, along with the other ladies, engages in many activities outside the home. She has a varied and active schedule that keeps her connected with the community and greatly enjoys her time with each one. On Mondays, Kimber volunteers at a local food pantry.  There she takes in donated food from places like the Harry Chapin Food Bank and Walmart. She sorts the food and packs it into bags that the pantry’s counselors then give to people in need.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Kimber volunteers at the Clothes Closet which is a thrift shop that serves underprivileged people.  She is the only volunteer with a disability and has served there longer than any of the other volunteers.  She sorts the clothes by size, color and type and stocks the shelves.  She also interacts with customers when they come in by helping them pick out the outfit or pieces they are looking for.

After she is done at the Clothes Closet on Wednesdays, Kimber goes to her church where she make shawls as part of her church’s prayer shawl ministry.  She goes with a ministry team to present the shawls to people who are sick, in the hospital or are in need of prayer. She enjoys praying and socializing with them, and her visits lift the spirits of her neighbors in need.  Kimber also participates in her church choir, which involves attending choir practice on Wednesday evenings and singing in church services on Sunday mornings.

When Kimber and the other ladies are not volunteering or participating in other activities such as Special Olympic bowling and Special Equestrians horseback riding, they have time to socialize. Once a week, Kim and her housemate Janie go out with a friend from the community. On their excursions, they go shopping, to the movies, out to eat, to the beach or to a local park. The housemates and their house parents also go out to eat as a group at McDonald’s or someplace similar. Adding to her already busy schedule, Kimber attends dinner parties given by an 85 year old church parishioner who helps the ladies learn dining and restaurant etiquette while they enjoy fun meals together.

Spending time in the community is a great benefit to Kimber. However, the organizations and people she comes in contact with feel they are the ones benefiting by being involved with this gentle and caring woman. Kimber’s story is just one example of the rich and connected lives the residents lead because they live in a Protected Harbor home.

All of our ladies are special and are God’s beloved children.  We are so grateful for these opportunities to interact, socialize and rejoice in the blessings our ladies receive. Please pray for the continued enrichment and well-being of our ladies.

Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.”



Boston Red Sox Spring Training Camp

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Spring is in the air which means baseball spring training in Ft. Myers Jet Blue Park! The ladies of Protected Harbor were invited on February 28, 2016 to join the Boston Red Sox for a day of training. Along with the Young Life Naples youth group and Goodwill groups, the ladies were escorted by Red Sox players for batting practice in the batting cages.

It is reported by Kimber, one of our ladies home residents, that “Tiffany hit the most balls”.  Tiffany agreed that she was a better hitter than Kimber and the other ladies. While Kimber and Tiffany both thought receiving autographs, hats, shirts and jerseys were the highlight, Tiffany said she just liked “hitting the ball”.  Tiffany expressed that after this experience she might like to play softball which would be a great step for this special young lady.

The Boston Red Sox organization provided a wonderful lunch consisting of ham and turkey wraps, cookies, pretzel chips and of course, ice cream.  They all received autographed balls and posed with players for a group picture.

A large sponsor of this program was CVS Pharmacy who generously provided each lady with a $15 gift card.  The day was exciting, action packed, and a great way to socialize with other local groups while showing off their skills with the pros! (Click here to see more pictures on facebook)

Please pray that organizations like this continue to provide our ladies with these unique and enriching opportunities and to feel the love of the community!

Ephesians 5:2 “…and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

Prayer Breakfast 2015

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Protected Harbor’s Fifth Annual Prayer Breakfast held at The Vineyard’s Country Club, Thursday, November 12, 2015 was a huge blessing to all 140 plus in attendance.  Guests were treated to delicious breakfast, updates from David Tricker and Bob Schubring, testimony by Madison Tighe, Key Club member, a very inspiring song by Todd Stearns, and an informative and challenging report from Harry Mihet from the Liberty Counsel giving updates on state and national lawsuits pertaining to Christians.

We praise God for all who gave of their time, their financial resources, and their commitment to join us in prayer for the ministry of Protected Harbor.

Prov. 29:2 “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

Rider of the Year 2015 – Tiffany

Posted by bjs

Tiffany was one of three recipients that received the distinction “Rider of the Year” at the annual Equestrian Banquet in October.  Tiffany was selected for this honor due to the significant progress she has made. From the very beginning her instructors have said that Tiffany is a natural, but this past year she talked, answered questions, smiled and made remarkable improvements in her riding skills.  Weekly Tiffany participates in equestrian therapy, and after riding she takes Belle to the stable for grooming.


Photo: Instructors Dee & Diane with Tiffany